Wednesday 19 October 2016

Science 9 - Genetic Video Clips assignment

Genetics Video Clips Assignment
What do we do?
There are a series of links shown below.  It is your job to watch these clips as a group of 2-4 people on an ipad.  In order to do this it will involve spreading out to give each group some quiet space.  Please keep in mind, working in the hallways around the school requires you to remember the fact that other classes are going on and be respectful of that. After watching each video, please answer the following questions about it on a sheet of loosleaf.  Each group member must write down an answer on their own sheet.

     Who is delivering the video (which person, group, company etc.) and why?
            1)  What is the main message being delivered?
         2)  What are the controversial issues being discussed?
4          3)  What is the opinion of the author and why do you think they hold that opinion?
            4)  What did you find most interesting about this video clip?

1              genetic engineering bad: crops

                 GMO truths and myths
                    genetically engineered animals
                                   what is genetic modification

                   What is synthetic biology (short)

                      Gene therapy

                   Designer babies