English Online Learning 2020

Week One - April 6-9

Remember to do the following this week:
1)  Find a Book Online or at home
Log on to Epic Books with your password.  Choose a book that is interesting and that you would like to read.  Send me the title of the book via SeeSaw and start reading the book for 20-30 minutes per day.  

2)Summarize your book
Write a summary of what you read each day.  It doesn't have to be too long, at least a paragraph (5 sentences).  We don't have individual questions for each book so it is basically so you can articulate what you just read.  I'll be checking in to how you are liking the book, etc.  

3)  Daily Log (Journal)
Write about what your day: what you did, what you watched, what you learned, what is going on in the world, etc..  We are living in a piece of history, I'm sure your future children would like to know what it was like!

4)  Talk to your Parents/Siblings or Online to Friends
Remember it is important to keep up your verbal skills, don't just text all the time.  Have verbal conversations. I hope to get a Teams Video Chat Sessions in with you this week!

Week Two - April 20-24

Remember to do the following this week:
1)  Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Watch your favourite movie and write a 75-100 word summary.  Start with one of the main characters, and elaborate on what that character faced for conflict, attempts to resolve conflict and finally how it was resolved.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Three - April 27 - May 1

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Look up a news article on timeforkids.com or currents4kids.com about a current event.  Explain what is going on.  Write about the article using the 5 W's:  Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.

Week Four - May 4-8

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Choose a set of topics below or make up two of your own topics (message teacher if you want to choose something different).  Then, make a Venn Diagram or a fun video to compare and contrast them.
  • soccer vs basketball
  • hip hop vs ballet
  • books vs movies
  • classroom learning vs online learning
Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Five - May 11-15 

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Write a letter convincing your your principal to allow you to bring your pet to school.  Use the correct letter format (Use Word's format) and make sure you follow the stages of writing; pre-writing, draft, revise, edit, final draft.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Six - May 19-22

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  While reading your book this week, find a list of 10 words that are complicated to pronounce or words that you don't understand.  Use context clues to determine their meaning.  Then look them up on learnersdictionary.com and write out their definitions.  Were you correct?  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Seven - May 25-29

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  This week is about poetry.  Research different types of poetry using this document for support.  Create three poems of your own, each with a different format.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Eight - June 1-5

Remember to do the following this week:
1)  Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Choose one of the following starters and write the story that goes along with it.

  • I woke up yesterday in a tree.
  • The news said an entire cruise ship of celebrities was stuck at sea.
  • The bell rang, and I sprinted toward my locker
Use the correct narrative format and make sure you follow the stages of writing; pre-writing, draft, revise, edit, final draft.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Nine - June 8-12

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Pick 5 of your favourite school-appropriate songs.  By listening to the lyrics, or finding them online, write about connections to each song.  Write about what it reminds you of in terms of yourself, the world or something else it reminds you of.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Ten - June 15-19

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Research a place in Canada that you'd like to visit. Create a video of yourself advertising that location.  Using the information you have learned, provide a list of the top 10 reasons why someone should visit that place.   Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.

Week Eleven - June 22-26

Remember to do the following this week:
1)   Continue to read your book.  When you are done reading, fill out this book review.
2)  Choose one episode from one of the following podcasts either on your device's podcast app or online:  Big Life Kids Podcast (scroll to bottom of page and click an episode), Brains On! Write 3 interesting things from the podcast, two questions and one connection to self.   Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.


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