Friday 19 September 2014

Week 4 - September 22 - 26

Exciting and fun classes this week!

Grade 9 Math -
Test on Friday September 26!
Interactive Quizzes to help you study on:

Monday:  We will be playing Stick Dice, a game dealing with probability and exponents.  It was created by the Pomo Indians of California and should be a fun class!
Tuesday - Thursday:  Learning new Exponent Laws
Friday:  Test on Exponent Laws

Grade 8 Science - 
Quiz on Monday for 8B, Tuesday for 8A! 
Interactive Quizzes to help you study on:

Monday:  8B will be making Jello Cells (Quiz on cells if there is time at the end)
Tuesday/Wednesday:  Predicting Diffusion and Diffusion Lab
Thursday:  Cellingo Game for 8A
Friday:  Terry Fox Run for 8B

Tentatively Monday, September 29 for 8A and Tuesday, September 30 for 8B

Grade 7 Science-
Hand in due on Tuesday during class (working on it in class)

Tuesday:  Finish Biome Project for HAND IN
Thursday:  Microscope Introduction

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