Sunday 31 May 2020

Sunday, May 31 - Week 8 Online Learning

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Classes return tomorrow at 11am. 

I need a couple things from students by the end of this week:
1)  Selfie picture (landscape) for grade 8 photo collage card
2)  Fill out yearbook quote on link (have to sign in with school account to be able to fill out:

Below is the schedule for classes for this week.

Classes are at 11am on Monday-Friday this week.  Math class is on Monday-Thursday and English will be on Friday (we will discuss book reports and set up times to present in small groups).    

Remember that I am available for questions from 9am-5pm on Monday to Friday through SeeSaw or email for parents.  It is usually easiest for students to contact me through Teams.  I will most likely answer questions after or before these times but it may take longer for me to reply because I'm trying to find my own balance between work and home life.

Weekly Plan for June 1-5

Monday – 
  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Project marks will be sent over SeeSaw.  Another class to go over tessellations because there was some confusion last week.  Kahoot on tessellations.  (Unit 8 Lesson 4)
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do project work (found in Team files/class materials/math/unit 8/lesson 4).  Students can also take a look at the notes, worksheets and YouTube videos for extra help.  Students send a picture of their project on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Student should continue to read their book. (Fill out a book review online once they are done their book - link on English page)  The English assignment for the week is the following:  
    • Choose one of the following starters and write the story that goes along with it.

      • I woke up yesterday in a tree.
      • The news said an entire cruise ship of celebrities was stuck at sea.
      • The bell rang, and I sprinted toward my locker
      Use the correct narrative format and make sure you follow the stages of writing; pre-writing, draft, revise, edit, final draft.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  
  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Start the probability unit.  Go over lesson #1 for Unit 7 of math.  (Unit 7 Lesson 1)
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do assignment work (found in Team files/class materials/math/unit 8/lesson 2).  Students can also take a look at the notes and YouTube videos for extra help.  Students send a picture of their work from assignment on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity. 
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review material we went over last day.   Go over lesson #2 for Unit 7 of math.  (Unit 7 Lesson 2)
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do assignment work (found in Team files/class materials/math/unit 8/lesson 3).  Students can also take a look at the notes and YouTube videos for extra help.  Students send a picture of their work from assignment #1 OR assignment #2 on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review probability.   Go over lesson #3 for unit 7 of math.  Students to create project that is posted on blog and in the files on Teams  (Project could take around 2-3 days to complete, so math students will continue to work on this assignment on Friday and Monday)  (Unit 7 Lesson 3)
  • Math:  Students should watch YouTube videos AND start their project.   Students send a picture of their project on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and complete their weekly activity which will be shared on Friday.  
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

  • Class at 11am - Check in with English students.  Go over what is required for the book review and set up times to do book report in small groups.  
  • Math:  Students should complete their project.  Students send a picture of their work on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book.  Weekly activity should be sent to me through SeeSaw.    
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Angela Yedersberger

Sunday 24 May 2020

Sunday, May 24 - Week 7 Online Learning

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Classes return tomorrow at 11am. 

Below is the schedule for classes for this week.

Classes are at 11am on Monday-Thursday this week.  Math class is on Monday-Thursday and English will be next week on Friday (NO FRIDAY CLASS THIS WEEK).    

Remember that I am available for questions from 9am-5pm on Monday to Friday through SeeSaw or email for parents.  It is usually easiest for students to contact me through Teams.  I will most likely answer questions after or before these times but it may take longer for me to reply because I'm trying to find my own balance between work and home life.

Weekly Plan for May 25-29

Monday – 
  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Test marks will be sent over SeeSaw.  Go over lesson #1 for Unit 8 of math.  
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do assignment work (found in Team files/class materials/math/unit 8/lesson 1).  Students can also take a look at the notes, worksheets and YouTube videos for extra help.  Students send a picture of their work for questions #1,9,15 from assignment on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Student should continue to read their book. (Fill out a book review online once they are done their book - link on English page)  The English assignment for the week is the following:  
    • This week is about poetry.  Research different types of poetry using this document for support.  Create three poems of your own, each with a different format.  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  
  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review material that we went over last day.  Go over lesson #2 for Unit 8 of math.  
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do assignment work (found in Team files/class materials/math/unit 8/lesson 2).  Students can also take a look at the notes, worksheets and YouTube videos for extra help.  Students send a picture of their work for questions #1,7,13 from assignment on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity. 
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review material we went over last day.   Go over lesson #3 for Unit 8 of math.  
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do assignment work (found in Team files/class materials/math/unit 8/lesson 3).  Students can also take a look at the notes, worksheets and YouTube videos for extra help.  Students send a picture of their work for questions #1,5, 11 from assignment on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review transformations: translations, reflections, and rotations.   Go over lesson #4 for unit 8 of math.  Students to create project that is posted on blog and in the files on Teams  (Project could take around 2 days to complete, so math students will continue to work on this assignment on Friday)  
  • Math:  Students should watch YouTube videos AND start their project.  They can do worksheets as practice. Students send a picture of their work on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and complete their weekly activity which will be shared on Friday.  
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

  • NO CLASS TODAY.  English will be every second Friday.  Next class is June 5.  
  • Math:  Students should complete their project.  Students send a picture of their work on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book.  Weekly activity should be sent to me through SeeSaw.    
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Angela Yedersberger

Monday 18 May 2020

Monday, May 18 - Week 6 Online Learning

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Classes return tomorrow at 11am. 

Below is the schedule for classes for this week.

Classes are at 11am on Tuesday-Friday this week.  Math class is on Tuesday-Thursday and English is on Friday.    

Remember that I am available for questions from 9am-5pm on Monday to Friday through SeeSaw or email for parents.  It is usually easiest for students to contact me through Teams.  I will most likely answer questions after or before these times but it may take longer for me to reply because I'm trying to find my own balance between work and home life.

Weekly Plan for May 18-22


  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review material that we went over last week.  Go over lesson #9 for Unit 4 of math.  
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do textbook work (p223-225 #2,4,6,9,10,11,14,15 with the answers on YouTube links on my blog) as well as online games.  Students send a picture of their work for questions #6a,10,15 on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Student should continue to read their book. (Fill out a book review online once they are done their book - link on English page)  The English assignment for the week is the following:  
    • While reading your book this week, find a list of 10 words that are complicated to pronounce or words that you don't understand.  Use context clues to determine their meaning.  Then look them up on and write out their definitions.  Were you correct?  Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review surface area and volume for rectangular prisms, triangular prisms and cylinder.   Go over lesson #10 for math.  
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do textbook work (p226-227 #1-7,9 with the answers on YouTube links on my blog) as well as online games.  Students send a picture of their work for question #6 on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review surface area and volume for rectangular prisms, triangular prisms and cylinder.   Go over lesson #11 for math.  Students to write test that is posted on blog and in the files on Teams  (Test could take around 2 days to complete, so math students will continue to work on this assignment on Friday)  
  • Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND start their test.  Students send a picture of their work on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book and complete their weekly activity which will be shared on Friday.  
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Time for students to ask questions about math test.  Then we will continue with students who are part of the English class.  Students will share their writing weekly activity and/or a quick review of the book they are reading.  
  • Math:  Students should complete their test.  Students send a picture of their work on SeeSaw.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Continue to read book.  Weekly activity should be sent to me through SeeSaw.    
  • Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Angela Yedersberger

Sunday 10 May 2020

Sunday, May 10 - Week 5 Online Learning

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I'm sure you have heard that we will continue this online journey until the end of the school year.  Hopefully, we can join the classroom environment again in September.  It makes me extremely sad that I won't see my homeroom class all together in my classroom again... I have missed all my students and delivered some candies for some of my students on Friday.  I was planning on dropping off treats for everyone but the rain and cold caused me to end my deliveries early.  I hope to try again in the coming weeks to deliver treats to the rest of my students.  I am so proud that they are continuing their learning journey despite these challenging times.  Thank you for supporting them in their learning, it will help them so much when they go to high school. 

Below is the schedule for classes for this week.  

Reminder that Friday, May 15 is a prep day, so no class on that day.  ALSO, Monday, May 18 is Victoria Day so there will also be no classes on that day next week.  

Class takes place at 11am each day.  Students can text on Teams if they need help throughout the day. 

I have added THEME days so students will do a beginning activity at the beginning of each class.  This will take place from approximately 11-11:05am and class will start right afterwards.  I kept them mostly the same this week, let me know if you have suggestions for other Theme days.  

Remember that I am available for questions from 9am-5pm on Monday to Friday through SeeSaw or email for parents.  It is usually easiest for students to contact me through Teams.  I will most likely answer questions after or before these times but it may take longer for me to reply because I'm trying to find my own balance between work and home life.

Weekly Plan for May 11-15

Monday – Mad Libs Monday; fill in the words to make a funny paragraph
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Go over lesson #5 for Unit 4 in math.  
·                     Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Surface Area Triangular Prisms.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Student should continue to read their book. (Fill out a book review online once they are done their book - link on English page) The English assignment for the week is the following:  
    • Write a letter convincing your principal to allow you to bring your pet to school.  Use the correct letter format (Use Word's format) and make sure you follow the stages of writing; pre-writing, draft, revise, edit, final draft.  
Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.
·         Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Tuesday – Tourist Tuesday; post pictures of trips that you have taken
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review terms from last day.  Go over lesson #6 for Unit 4 in math. 
·                     Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.   After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Volume Triangular Prisms.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Wednesday – Would You Rather Wednesday; students are asked their opinion on a question
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review lesson from last day.  Go over lesson #7 for Unit 4 in math.  
·                     Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Cylinder Surface Area.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Thursday – Throwback Thursday; send pictures of you and your homeroom classmates
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review terms and exit slip from last day.  Go over lesson #8 for Unit 4 in math. 
·                     Math: Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Cylinder Volume.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Continue to read book and complete their weekly activity which will be shared on Friday.  
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

·                     Math:  Students can continue to finish the material for the week.  No new material. 
·                     English:  Continue to read book.  Weekly activity should be sent to me through SeeSaw.    
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Angela Yedersberger

Sunday 3 May 2020

Sunday, May 3 - Week 4 Online Learning

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Phase one for the reopening of Saskatchewan starts tomorrow!  I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy during these trying times.  Again, thank you for supporting your children with their online learning.

Below is the schedule for classes for this week.

Note that there is NO 2pm class on Tuesday, ONLY a 11am class on that day.  So, for this week the classes take place at 11am Monday-Friday.  (EVERYDAY!)

I have added THEME days so students will do a beginning activity at the beginning of each class.  This will take place from approximately 11-11:05am and class will start right afterwards. 

Remember that I am available for questions from 9am-5pm on Monday to Friday through SeeSaw or email for parents.  It is usually easiest for students to contact me through Teams.  I will most likely answer questions after or before these times but it may take longer for me to reply because I'm trying to find my own balance between work and home life.

Weekly Plan for May 4-8

Monday – Throwback Monday; post old pictures of yourself
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Reminder to get tests in ASAP. (Tests that have been marked will be sent through Teams).  Go over lesson #1 for Unit 4 in math.  
·                     Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Nets.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Student should continue to read their book. (Fill out a book review online once they are done their book - link on English page) The English assignment for the week is the following:  
    • Choose a set of topics below or make up two of your own topics (message teacher if you want to choose something different).  Then, make a Venn Diagram or a fun video to compare and contrast them.
      • soccer vs basketball
      • hip hop vs ballet
      • books vs movies
      • classroom learning vs online learning
Take a picture and send through SeeSaw or Teams.
·         Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Tuesday – Tourist Tuesday; post pictures of trips that you have taken
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review terms from last day.  Go over lesson #2 for Unit 4 in math. 
·                     Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should create their own net and send me a picture and/or video of the net and folded 3D shape.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Wednesday – Would You Rather Wednesday; students are asked their opinion on a question
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review terms and lesson from last day.  Go over lesson #3 for Unit 4 in math.  
·                     Math:  Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Rectangular Prism Surface Area.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Continue to read book and work on weekly activity.  
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Thursday – Kahoot Thursday; play a math kahoot about nets
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with all students.  Review terms and exit slip from last day.  Go over lesson #4 for Unit 4 in math. 
·                     Math: Students should watch video lesson AND do 3-5 of the activities listed including the textbook work.  After they are done the video and activities, they should log on to Mathletics and do the activity assigned called Rectangular Prism Volume.  Students can contact me through Teams if they have any questions.  
·                     English:  Continue to read book and complete their weekly activity which will be shared on Friday.  
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

Friday – Mad Libs Friday
·                     Class at 11am - Check in with English students.  Class starts with time for students to ask questions about math, even non-English students.  Then we will continue with students who are part of the English class.  Students will do a fun activity then share their writing weekly activity and/or a quick review of the book they are reading.  
·                     Math:  Students can continue to finish the material for the week.  No new material. 
·                     English:  Continue to read book.  Weekly activity should be sent to me through SeeSaw.    
·                     Optional PE, Science, Educational Minecraft and Heritage activities are posted on the blog. 

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Angela Yedersberger