Wednesday 1 April 2020

Friday, April 3 -Online Learning Format for Week 1

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all the conversations I have had this week with you.  I think we are all overwhelmed with this new environment for learning.  I appreciate your continued support in the education for your children.  I want to let you know that I am there for you and your family and let me know if something is not working technology wise and we will try to fix it asap.

My Plan;

  • for communication with most parents (some prefer email)
  • to be used for students to post videos, pictures, etc (make sure they are signed in to their student account, if they need me to send sign in details send me a message via SeeSaw)
  • I will send videos to help students who are struggling on an individual basis
Ms Yedersberger Blog
  • Used to post lessons, videos to help with learning, YouTube Links, pdf to print, etc
  • Home Post to communicate the Weekly Plan on a day by day basis
  • Pages on the Side to give the information such as lessons, videos, etc
Teams App or Online (First Class Meeting is Monday, April 6 at 11am)
  • To sign in, students will sign on to their student Office 365 account and go to Teams app during set up times.  They can also join through the invite I sent to their student email account.  (If students cannot remember their password or cannot sign in, let me know and I can send out a tech request)
  • Class chat or Small group chat, Students can communicate through this format if they download the app on their phone, tablet, computer.  
  • Used through their Microsoft account through school
  • I will hold class time from 11am Monday-Friday (No Friday class next week) with an optional class at 2pm-2:30pm on Tuesday for those students who prefer an afternoon check in.  I will cover any math lessons during this time and be available for any questions. 
  •  If a student needs help, feel free to send me a message and we can connect on teams as well.  
  • I sent an invitation for meeting on Monday.  Students will find that in their school email.  
  • Pdf's will also be available here.  
Mathletics (MATH)
  • To help with different math skills that align with grade 8 and 9 Saskatchewan curriculum
  • To help me assess whether a student is struggling with the material or understanding it completely and ready to move on
  • Includes games, quizzes, assignments that align with the material we are covering in the virtual classroom to help with student engagement and motivation
  • I will send the QR code to your SeeSaw account to log in
Epic Books (ENGLISH)
  • Access to a library of different books at a time when all libraries are closed
  • Search function will help students to discover books that align with their interests
  • I have sent a parent email to everyone in my class.  I know some students prefer to just focus on math but at least this is a library of books available to my students if they want to read.  
I plan on focusing on Math, English and PE this first week (April 6-9) to start off our online learning then I will branch out to those individuals who expressed interest in other areas.  I'm learning as well so we can all learn new things together!

Weekly Plan for April 6-9

  • Class at 11am - Check in with all students and making sure everyone can log on to Teams.  Go over what we are going to be doing for English, Math, etc.  Important to get on during this time.  
  • Math:  Students can take a look at lesson one for Math on Ms Yedersberger's blog.  Contact if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Students should sign in to Epic and pick a book (or pick a book at home).  Let me know which book they picked through email/SeeSaw/Teams.  Follow instructions on blog for English activities.
  • Optional PE activities and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Go over lesson one in math and answer any questions.  Start lesson two.  
  • Optional class at 2pm-2:30pm mainly an afternoon class option for check in with students.  Bring any questions you have to me.  Students can schedule other times with me as well.  
  • Math:  Students can take a look at lesson two for Math on Ms Yedersberger's blog.  Contact if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Follow instructions on blog for English activities.
  • Optional PE activities and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Go over lesson two in math and answer any questions.  Start lesson three.  
  • Math:  Students can take a look at lesson three for Math on Ms Yedersberger's blog.  Contact if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Follow instructions on blog for English activities.
  • Optional PE activities and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

  • Class at 11am - Go over lesson three in math and answer any questions.  Start lesson four.  
  • Math:  Students can take a look at lesson four for Math on Ms Yedersberger's blog.  Contact if they have any questions.  
  • English:  Follow instructions on blog for English activities.
  • Optional PE activities and Heritage activities are posted on the blog.  

Friday - GOOD FRIDAY no class

I hope this helps clarify what next week looks like to everyone. I'm still looking at my learning plan and will make adjustments as needed.  Thanks so much for your support through this challenging time.  

Have a great weekend,
Angela Yedersberger

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